Friday 31 October 2008

Go Go Weekend Event

This Weekend is the Haloween weekend event that will see us franticly pack into New TOS/Old TOS... or in SKT hunting kubolds becuase lag will be so bad !!!

** Just remember guys that with so many elfs and mages about in Old Tos and the occasional accidental mop steal might happen, just bear with it.... it will balance out for you in the end :o). **

After Milla repeatly saying that independence day is rubbish and the plot crap and the effects outdated... she lasted about 25 mins before being sucked in by Will Smiths charms. The result is that come into the event I am on level pegging with Milla.

I will give her a head start as I am off to watch the new James Bond Movie tonight and overhear everyone saying how hot Daniel Craig is.... I am left wondering how a female tailored version of Baywatch gets such great reviews !!!!

.... Does he always have to go into the water ??? (lol!)

On a personal note I will be so pleased when Milla hits 51 ... just not before I turn 50 :P

Wednesday 29 October 2008

New Pets are coming Soon

I forgot to mention that Lyz said that panda's and Kangaroos are coming soon... she sounded excited as usual about the thought of extra content... how cool !!

Don't worry though if there is any danger of them beating your dobbie you had since you were walking around Talking Island in just your pants and a stick they will be banned from pet match as well !!

.... Or nerfed !!!!

Half way to heaven or 50% left until hell :o)

After getting robbed of 2% last night I still managed to hit my 50% target with a few hours of the night still to try and push for 55%...

Milla Babo is at 58% now.... but the gap is closing fast. I have now made 27% since the update and the first day of that was spend moaning like a 4 year at soending 1 hour wondering around PI and 1 hour around diad trying to find NPC's.

NC are looking at refunding exp for "verified" lag deaths due to NC.... this is totally cool and would be a great way to stop me having to go through the following after death....

First 15 mins (Pissed off )

This may lead to caps lock on or accidentily being flicked on and off through my typing due to anger..... I will eiother shout in pledge chat then global or just pledge chat..... I love my pledge they put up with so much !!!

This also leads to broken sentences likes [ OMG stupid _____ Lag, why do I both with this ____ !]

Should it be a lag death and not full on DC (rare)... I will often in a mad panic shout on global begging and pleading for g-res.... this often esculates rather embaressingly to open bribery !!

Following 10 mins (Irritable)

This phase is often spent roaming around giran and in GTV were I can curse the greedy bot prices and wonder why everyone is purposly hoarding the stuff I need to buy.

There may be the occasional outburst [ God Damn another hour stalking dead things ]

final 5 mins (sulky)

I send these last 5 mins feeling parnoid as to weather it is safe to hunt. And watch intentitly to global for key words

" _____ NC" (this is a dead give away for exp loss)
".... Anyone d/c "

I love episode 6 it means that should any key word trigger I can go fishing or annoy people with my inferno during pet match !!!

BOT watch *Breaking news*

It appears my Bot speaking friend in TOS is getting fed up of me stealing his mops....

So I would like to appologise for stealing your mops.... I understand that TOS in it's enitirety is yours and that all mops on the screen are yours including the 4 on you the 3 on the other side of the screen and the 2 on the outskirts firing at you from distance.

It was my mistake... becuase TOS has a total lack of MOPS and the spawn rate is poor, really my appologies !!!

I also understand that by stealing your mops you are missing out on the plentiful drops that TOS has to offer...

Watch out the bots have added new features to the existing auto hunt, auto buff, auto venz, auto reply.....

They now have auto moan !!!

You have been warned !!

Tuesday 28 October 2008


I am in the hunt for lev 50 which seemed to be going very well.... I was just about to finish of 45% for the evening. Which would have capped a great 5% exp day for me and kept me hot on the heals of milla who is at 56%..... but then !!!

with only 0.0072 left to get before I go to bed I lag for 10 seconds + and die.... worse still a mage come up to me. I say " Could you G-res me please" he said sure. So up pop's that familiar screen res screen, and I am thinking ah not too bad getting half or 2/3 back is not all that bad... BOOM...

NORMAL RES, what an idiot !!! I mean really !!! why bother.

Then I set about chasing my lost 1%..... only for another lag to happen 30 mins later.... and another 1% gone

43.23% tonight and I go to bed knowing I have a mountain to climb in order to get to 50% by this time tommorow.... !!!

NC I love your stable servers !!! ..... and even if it is my isp that does'nt make me feel any better !!!

Always be kind :o)

With the mops in new TOS area being quite high ac- wise it never hurts for mages to Bless weapon when they see a player as you know that they will need it... even +8 mail breaker misses from time to time ^^.

So mages..... when you run by an elf with an animal farm in toe with them just give them a quick buff, it makes all the difference :D

Especially Millamare who is joining me on a grind to the next level.... Milla is at 50.52 and is gunning for level 51 by the end of the event.... I am at 49.36 and I am sure I can beat her to the next level.... the race is on.

******* BOT WATCH ********

As you can see anyones guess as to which bot that could be ^^

Also a huge thankyou to everyone who buffs me in Giran, it is really really helpful and I am always gratfull.

Handbags at dawn !!!

It is amazing what you pick up from the floor and I found these 2 letters both amusing and interesting... the first one shows creadance (for a change) flashing there claws instead of flashing there bling !!!!

Then just moments later..... After DL kissed and made up; using his "resolve" o.o

Wow such lin drama :) !!

Monday 27 October 2008

GM Lyzira drop in

Our new community support gal has been making time for us recently and dropping in to listen
to our feedback on the live server. What she actually gets is Troje, DarkSpells and DivineLight calling each other Babo's and noobs for a few hours... but I am sure it is fun for her as well though (lol!)

I am sure NC hear our concerns, however the only way they have found to get things moving again is to use korean mirror, which means things are going to stay broadly as they are.

She dropped in whilst I was regen in the Inn and sounded very excited about the coming months... Sounds good to me :D

US-NC now need to sanction from NC Korea to make changes which is a lengthy process, however this will ensure that episodes are more easily ported from korea.... which leads to more frequent updates.

The changes are not all that bad, just means to got to bring a friend along to get bosses :o)

I also talked to Lyz about the game guides and they are reluctant to publish drop rates of quest guides as they do not want to ruin the game experience.... They have however given maps to Stub who will be updating to lineagedb sometime this week.

... I will still get lost though :\

New TOS area

(notice the island to the right, there is nothing special on it thus far but could be another extra room for some hunting ^^)

I am in the midst of finding the best way to level in new TOS area seeing as I am very low int and not able to melee...

There are several ways that TOS can be hunted effectivly as a mage these are

- Use a hunters bow and decent con pet or summons ( I found it easier to hit with bow then with weapon). I use 2 inferno's, however I see quite a few st bernards, wolfs and huskys. This area is awesome for leveling pets once they get to about 15+.

- Use a +8 Mail breaker and pets, beware though the mops wiull turn pretty fast this way.

- Equip int equipment the book and the necklace and do mini sprints.... no need to buff just MR up haste and go... TU any mops that chuck stuff at you from long range and ignore the rest as I found these to be the easier one to turn.

Go in blow all you mp as fast as possible then tele back to pledge house, use npc in house to send you to storage then run to inn.... 2 min regen use ROTC to tele out and repeat.

I have noticed that there is a differnce between night and day, some people said it was not noticable on 51f..... but you can here ^^ !

During the day you will get about 0.05% to 0.1% per run... maybe more ^^

Since update I have made 15% which is good exp at level 49.

It has to start somewhere

Right... a little bit about my char...

Firstly I started playing lin in the epesodes before heine at a time that many will remember as fun times... but also tough times with soft ac and twins that were feared.

Not to mention you could heal DK using the very same bug that th recent update has o.o !!

I use to be in "silent" pledge and had many a fun war against designer dragons.

My char is a Lev 49 18 con, 18 wis mage and also have a noober elf and knight. This blog is unlikley to be as exciting as the enchant scroll confetti posted on other blogs but it an insight into the tough world of a being a noob.

I am part of Silver Radiance Pledge which is headed up by Justifier, however until recently was run by Millamare :)

We are small pledge who like to help others as much as possible.