Tuesday 28 April 2009

Giran Siege 21/4

This Giran siege was only ever going to go one way with SLM having far superior numbers, howver it was a good fight and 300 got stuck in once again.

This sige was however a good siege for several reasons..... I saw some people sieging using there heads not there swords...

1. Someone using the back door.... forgive me for being stupid but if there is a shit load of 60+ at one gate.... why not try the other one !!!!

Some good initiative from Susponte !!!

2. Buri Buri in crawling hand poly.... nice move !!!

Unfortunatly with no ac he died a few times..... but it made me laugh when 5 SLM were playing chase the hand through the garden only for him to go and hid in a bush ha ha !!!! very funny ^^

During the sige there was some death..... No one likes to see dead mages :(((

The siege was over SLM had a confortable victory, however that was not the end >.<

Heine Siege 15/4

Thankyou once again to everyone who lets me drop in on Sieges.

I checked in on Heine seige that saw ZenSword from bloodpledge eternity defend against SLM and rings. When I normally swing by I see all sorts of preperation going on.

.... Knights checking pots
..... Mages checking M-Gems

However this time I saw this o.o !!!

This made me chuckle and made me wonder what stype of a siege this was going to be !!!

The siege started off with some light skirmishs and a few deaths, so I thought I would stay and see how things progressed.

Eternity BP were defienat in there defence who bravly faught chars superior in level, however could not hold them off forever..... right lets take the fight inside.

Bizzarly SLM were reluctant to take the crown, I am not sure if this was tactical or that they did not have a royal to take the castle :\. SLM formed up ready for the incoming attack.

And it certainly came with Eternity re-taking the tower area and forming up, hower you always know that with time still left to siege there were always going to come back... and they did.

Shortly after SLM took the castle and formed up at the front of the castle.

I only got a few snaps of this siege which does not show how brave Eternity pledge was and that they are shapping up to be a nice little siege pledge...

Angrim caused lots of trouble for Eternity... that is until he got decay pot by BlackJack21 and venzed >.< ..... however Agrim always re-appeared 2 mins later ready to rain hell (until he got decay pot again!!!). I have said this a number of times now and that is mages and elfs cause a lot of problems in a siege yet they are not often see non ken ..... When you look at LOA siege videos they are the ones causing the death :\

well done to ZenSword for putting in a good fight.

Lyz drops in

it has been a long time since Lyz has visited me, and still the wait goes on :P, however she dropped in on Conal who I was hunting with to say a few things about the up and coming stat redo.

I would like to point out that this blog was the first blog to break the new guidlines on the stat redo. I have seen a few other blogs dropping the material I dropped 5 months ago :P

Here is another exclusive from Lyz with a few further details and refinement on how Hp will be worked out... If you suffer from knight envy then look away now, this ain't pretty !!!!

A huge Thankyou to Lyz for dropping by it is always great to see you :)..... Conal also put a lot of effort into making the forecaat spreadsheets to help the community and he also makes lots of posts on the forums. I feel his contribution often gets overlooked :(

Good job with this Conal !!

It's been a while/ Idle gossip :)

Hi Everyone,

Lineage has been a huge rollacoaster ride for me of late. my wireless internet connection is slowley sucking the fun out of this game for me which is a huge shame as I like playing it so much.

Further more I have gone back to uni and have not had that much time to play, however the main reason I have no updated the blog to be honest is taht I have been a bit lazy I have continued to collect content in my capture folder that is now 700mb big o.o !!!

Also I have spent so much time camping caspa pack then some babo goes and gets a merk cap !!!! god damn !!!!

So lets start with a few funny bits from around the server.....

Global fun

Other funny bits .....

You know when a joke is so bad it is funny !!!

Grats to Synyster on getting to level 52

After a large amount of being teasted about beeing a noober Syni finally reaches level 52. He has been getting there slowley but surley until he decided that enough was enough and did a 18% day o.o to leave him at 98%.

He then finished off that morning before going to work :)

Grats Syni you really do deserve it... maybe now you can afford to buy some MR :P !!!!

Come one Come all !!!

I huge welcome to the new commers to Silver Radiance in addition to Sk8, Cossa, War, Augi, DL we also have Trevor, Moli and Friar Joe which makes SR a busy place nowadays. I have always said SR is a fun place to be and now it seems we half the server in our pledge..... It seems just's recruitment strategy of

" If you press /join I will give you n-zel " works on high level players as well as noobers o.o

Lasta 4f

Whilst some babo was raiding caspa pack for a merk cap I was in lasta 4 having a great time... although it was quite tough for me I had a lot of fun. I was kindly donated a DK scroll as well as I was able to go to the holy land which was really cool....

The migits with 6 packs made me laugh so much I nearly fell off my chair and the ootyu were really cute... until they attacked at which point I was running around shouting " get it off me.... get it off me, I did'nt mean all those mean things Mad Dog.... get it off me" he he !!

Thankyou very much for inviting me along, although it will need to be a treat by the time we finihsed it was 6:30am for me x.x !!!

Note to anyone going with this lot..... DO NOT LET MAD DOG PULL THE MOPS !!!