The following was taken From LineageDC at the folowing link below, which was provided by CrystalJean during her defection to WoW... come back CJ !!!! not hard enough? If you've done it all, and seen it all, you may think Lineage has nothing left to offer you. You'd quit and play a newer game if you could, but they either suck too much or your computer is 12 years old and you can't. So, you stand around town, punching the dwarf, complaining about how much life sucks, and reciting depressing poetry into pledge chat.
Little did you know there are an infinite number of new in-game challenges that await you! This guide presents a few of them, and perhaps will trigger your imagination to come up with more of your own. I like to suffix these game monikers with "man," in homage to the challenge games of roguelikes that preceded Lineage, but this doesn't mean females can't participate too.
Beta Man: The Beta Man (or .77 Man) refuses to acknowledge that Lineage had recieved any content updates since the public Beta test server days. He spends all of his time on TI, walks around unhasted, and carries 5 lesser healing potions "for emergencies." If Beta Man receives an item drop that didn't exist during the public Beta test, like a g-haste potion, he must discard it. Character stats must be applied randomly, perhaps by rolling a standard 6-sided dice to determine where each stat point should go.
Solipsist Man: An easy challenge game that simply involves never talking any ot
her players in the game, never joining a pledge, never party-hunting, and never trading or using player-run shops. Basically, you don't acknowledge the fact that other players even exist.
Silent Misanthropist Man: A variant of Solipsist Man, this challenge game is the same but with one additional rule. It states that whenever you see another player character, you must attack him and continue doing so until he escapes or one of you dies. If other characters walk into view while you are killing one, you must proceed immediately to the next nearest player and continue attacking after the first dies/venzes.
Naked Man: An easy to moderate challenge game (depending on class) that simply requires you to never equip an item, either armor or weapons. For mages, this isn't much of a challenge, but elves, DEs, and royals will have to rely mainly on low level attack spells like ebolt and pets. Knights will be stuck with pets and punching until they reach level 50.
Eternium Man: After game start, the eternium man procedes directory out of town and never returns. If he ever needs an item, he will have to kill monsters that drop it. Exactly what constitutes a "town" in Lineage is debatable, and varying purity levels of this challenge game are possible. Laxer rules would allow a character to buy items at the oasis and to learn spells at Gereng. A true purist will proceed directly to the nearest dungeon and spend the rest of his game there, never leaving (TI/MLC is a good choice here as they are connected and pots are purchasable at Orim). If an eternium man dies, the character must be deleted, since restarts occur in towns.
Pacifist Man: The pacifist will never personally harm a living creature. He carries no weapons and will only kill monsters by using the pet targeting feature. At game start, he will stand in town and beg until he receives someone's unwanted pet collar. Wearing armor and healing/buffing yourself and pet are allowed, as are any other actions that don't cause damage to monsters or other players. Zero damage attacks, like magic scrolls with non-damaging paralysis attacks, are allowed. This challenge won't work on live servers since your pets cannot be higher level than the character, and a pacifist will stay level 1 forever.
Monist Ontology Man: Among other things, the monist ontology man does not believe that macroscopic matter teleportation can exist. Therefore, all travel in game must be by foot or boat. This also means that certain places that are inaccessible by non-teleportation means are off-limits.
There are also an infinite number of self-imposed minor challenges. You could make yourself collect some arbitrary large number of furs, meats, or other items. You can force yourself to only wear bonesets or only use one normally ignored weapon, like clubs. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!
How To Impersonate a Female in Lineage
submitted by: bm3719
As in most MMORPGs, being a player who is a member of the female gender bestows many benefits in Lineage, not least of which includes: always having a large selection of male players to group with, plentiful item and money handouts, and forgiveness for especially n00bish behavior that would result in ridicule were you male. Exploited to its fullest, Lineage as a female is a considerably easier gaming experience. But how can you, a player of male gender, cash in on these advantages? Certainly, it's hardly your fault that you happened to be born male. Life is so unfair!
Despair not, for with the many other wonders of the internet-access, you too now have access to the previously inaccessible wealth that is heterosexual male generosity. Fellow males that once wouldn't even stop farming long enough to say "Hi" to you will now dedicate a large quantity of their time to your latest item goals. Carefully study and follow these steps to a less masculine, but much richer, new you.
Step 1. First, confirm that you actually are male. To do so, simply remove your pants and inspect your reproductive organs. Consult your physician or biology instructor if you are confused by what you encounter here. If you discover that you are female, this is the only step you need, and you can just log into the game and be yourself. If the organs you possess are neither male nor female, you are probably a hermaphrodite or some other form of transgendered human, or you have been mauled in some disfiguring accident. While this guide is written for males, neuters and the androgenous can follow these steps as well.
Step 2. Next you'll need to get into the mindset that you are going to impersonate a female. Remember, girls don't log into games and say things like "y0 wHaZup mUh fUnk4y bRuV4Z!@#" Doing so will immediately blow your cover and you'll have to start over with a new character. You'll need to temporarily shelve your masculinity. Fill your thoughts with cute things, like plushie stuffed animals and bake sales. When in doubt about what a girl would say in a situation, just use some girlish filler text like "tee hee ur silly!" You should also read up on what interests girls have, so load up Myspace or another social site, and check the interests of a few girls. Take notes so you'll be able to answer any personal question cold in a convincing manner.
Step 3. Choose an archetype for your female persona. Are you an ultra-girly blonde-girl? A sports-playing alpha-female? A girl-next-door? Choose whichever you think you can pull off most effectively, just remember to stick with whatever choice you make. Come up with an outline for a life story, and fill in aspects of it as needed. Be sure to keep notes on what you tell males about yourself, since they may talk about you when not in your presence. It may seem more beneficial to tell each male exactly what they want to hear, but keeping track of which "you" you are at any given time is just setting yourself up for mistakes.
Step 4. You are now ready to begin exploiting the sexual frustration of your fellow males. Choose an obviously girlish name (like NoPanties or Twatica) and log into Lineage and just hang around a place with a lot of people milling about, and act sad and confused. In a few minutes, you'll have your first customer. You'll need to decide if each male that approaches you is best given a quick, drive-by milking, or added to your friends list as a long-term sugar-daddy.
Step 5. Get an online relationship. Your best bet is to find a male considerably higher level than you, but not so much that group hunting is impossible. Then, while farming together, proceed to die alot, whine about how weak you are, and make a lot of sad emoticons. Soon, your boyfriend will give you items and money to get up to his current ability, and will charge forward protecting you when you get mobbed. Let him do so, and comment on how strong and brave he is. Once you've surpassed your boyfriend's level/equipment, or at least come close, demote him back to the pool of males that you occasionally beg for favors from. Then repeat this process with a higher level new boyfriend.
Step 6. Taking it offline. This part is optional, but if a relationship you're in seems to be getting serious, and you have your eyes on some fine items in your boyfriend's possession that you just know he'll let you "temporarily" borrow soon, you can take your relationship to the next level. If he wants to call you on the phone, use a falsetto voice to impersonate a female. Effeminate males can crossdress for an in-person meeting. Just be sure to shave and use makeup to cover your male features. You'll also want to invest in a clothing article known as a "bra", which you can fill with something soft to complete the image. This is a risky activity, however, since the chance exists you'll wake up the following morning next to a sweaty, hairy, and probably obese Lineage player.
Enjoy your new, considerably easier, Lineage life. Stay safe, and good luck, ladies!
I can't possibly think of anyone like this on Ken Server !!!!!!