Thursday, 8 January 2009

New Stat re-roll !!!

I was chatting to corro about the re-roll and he said he had the details about how the re-roll is going to work... I was like, WOW !!!! tell me tell me tell me...

The he said he only had it for the elfs... please go and visit Coronis Blog on Lineage one if you made the wrong choice in making your char and chose elf !!.... however if you made an even worse choice and chose a mage stick with me and I will guide you through the stat re-roll !!

First I want to point out that the con wis mage has died a death !!!!... or has it !!

Right below are the details

Max HP: 800
Max MP: 1200

Char is still (char/6) +1 (there is a post about the new pets on Lineage one which I suggest you take a look at ^^)

ER increase every 10 levels
Initial MR is 15%

Right got the boring stuff out of the way !!!

Mage has the following base stats

Str 08
Dex 07
Con 12
Wis 12
Char 08
Int 12

You will then have 16 points to distribute these are special points and can only be allocted once. These special points are independent of any elixor or level up stat bonus (51+).

Each one of these special points will;

- Dictate how many mp/hp your mage has
- How much MR and SP your has
- It will allow special bonus depending on how you use these points which are 1 off.

The details of what special bonus you get are below;


In the above table were it says HP +1 it means for each level you will get an extra hp e.g +1 hp will mean for 50 levels you will get an additional 50hp so if you went for con 16 which is HP +2 that will mean +100hp.

The hp/mp roles will be "roughly" fixed, however has a very small random element of + or - around 1% of hp/mp. we do not know what the levels are just yet... but we will find out :)

This will be the same for MP as well !!!


We have Soft ac... your crazy if you do anything with STR !!!


If you want to fire a bow.... GET AN ELF !!!


Part of me is surprised that there no bonus's for summon mages... the other part of me thinks that a couger's (Sex Panther) place is on 50f and if you want to be surrounded by animals go stand to the far left of orc beech !!!! ha ha !!! :P


The Good...

- Lower level magic is going to get a lot stronger
- Area attack magic is getting stronger
- Overall magic is going to get stronger

The Bad....

- Magic will eventually either this update or next MISS !!!... yep that's right your your magic will now have + to hit !!

The Ugly....

- The +1 int is a straight damage indicator that will apply to all spells and will effect damage. This will recoup some of the ground lost from the LOA ruleset

- The +2 int gives +1 magic hit to spells that are cast. All classes have this so I would imagine the is a chance knight spells may start to fail more often. This means that there could be a chance spells like Immune and self target spells fail, however I imagine this would be very low for a mage !!!

But the thought of a heal not working after a B2S is very amusing !!!... very !!!!

The MR system is still in place however this could also effect other targeted spells such as TU and Cancel which could be boosted by this + magic hit value.

- The +3,+4,+5,+6 int bonus is very interesting. This "storm hit" applies to spells only levels 1-6 and will run along side the existing damage system creating a "crit" which is 1.5 times damage. So a base 18 int mage will get +8 hit increase to do a crit.

This only work for direct attack spells e.g VT, Erupt etc

We are not sure if +8 is a lot or not or how often it crits at +8 >.<

The big question is.... who uses attack spells level 1-6 !!!!!!

The role

The way it will work is that you will start a level 1 with the 16 "special points" added You will then level up by clicking a button and you will see your mp/hp increase and the stats will be re-calculated each time you press level up....until you get to 51.....

Once you get to level 51 you will add stats as normal which will continue to be based on the current reward system we have i.e +1 int will increase SP etc

Overall the mage class will become a little stronger as I am sure that at 16 con we will get the same or slightly higher level of hp we get at 18 con now... allowing you to add to int and wis. I would imagine that a common stat of;

16 con 18 int 18wis will be common... but someone might place emphasis on getting huge volumes of mp so they can heal there damage slaves more ... yes sk8 I am looking at you :P

2009 will be an exciting one as Lyzira shows us just what we have been missing out on all these years.....
Someone who cares :D

bring on the stat re-roll !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post Thank you! but still dont understand some stuff( im slow) So this botton, we just keep pressing it and adding stats till we end up at our current lvl then we cant press it anymore? So does are current HP/MP have any effect on the reroll? Or we all start the same HP/MP no matter what we have now? Any idea when the reroll will happen? So if I have really low HP now it wont matter once we get the reroll? Also If you were a High lvl Mage where would you add your stats?
Thx =) sorry for the 20 questions thx for the post~