Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Funny Bits from around the server

Corro's baby bow

Our elf Coronis is getting itchy fingers again and is desperatly wanting a +8 Sayha bow.... I keep telling him that a k-bow is better... but it's like telling a 8 year old that this new teddy is better then the old battered one he has had since being a baby (lol!).

Anyway the last time he got like this he blew everything (well almost he made a +9 ETS) I am worried that the same will happen again, howerver corro's new ploy is to stock pile sayha bows so one of the is bound to go +8. When I asked him about it this is what I got...

Am I the only one who wants to see corro's happy dance.... I don't mind if the sayha's blow, however seeing his happy dance would make my month :)

Corro's new pet

At some point the language differnce in our pledge will get me into ll sorts of trouble and this nearly did. When someone offer to "show you there kitten" you do have to wonder weather it is related to any of the following

- Do you want to see a 1 eared elephant ? ( Pull out trouser pocket and undr flys..... )

- Do you want to see my Beaver ? ( hint: What animal is brown and bushy ??)

So when Corro asked me to look at his kitten I realised that I was not going to be posted a nude picture but instead I saw this

Question: Can cats get banned for impresonating GM's (lol!).... I got loads I can do with this.

- Stroking pussy ?
- Making her puur !!
- can't wait until she gets her claws into me !!!

Ha HA... I think if your going to name a pet after game staff use monitor'sas they are much more suitable.... are always around but never say a word !!!

Yet another new Bloodpledge

It has been a while since Troje made it into my blog and sure enough after a few hours of playing again he took no time at all.

It ws funny enough taht his pledge was call X11 is garbage but to then tutrn his own prince into a fanclub really made me laugh.. well I guess If noone else loves you then you have to take matters into your own hands :P.... they say there is someone out there for everyone he he !!!

Becuase Inferno's are like.... so last year

One of the things that makes lineage so great is the lengths people will go to to solve there bordom.. in this case The chosen One decided to go shopping for pets.... 2 Basil and a croc... nice !!!

Show off !!!

Sk8 has been a very lucky boy recently and has reaped the rewards for his constant ending of Grim... becuase apparently the end less supply of PG's is just not a big enough drop :P....

He showed this to me...

Sometimes he makes it so hard not to hate him :P... a few days later he showed me taht he had indeed got a 3rd book.... erm me thinks someone has been shaking up with the GM !!!! Sk8 by his own admission likes a good gloat (as do I, credit is due for this I think!!) and I like a good screen shot so we make a good pair :).

Not to be out done Sk8 moved in for some more gloating when I made several remarks to him... surfice to say sk8 did not gloat anymore :P which then resulted in this....

He he !!!! Pwned :)

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